Death by Chowder by Donna Walo Clancy

Death by Chowder by Donna Walo Clancy

Author:Donna Walo Clancy [Clancy, Donna Walo]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: DWC Publishing
Published: 2018-08-09T04:00:00+00:00


Business became steadier as June passed and Fourth of July Weekend approached. The café was busy from open to close. The yellow tape had been removed from the office door and Susan had been cleared of any wrong doing. It was on record at the local health food store that she had been ordering those snacks and protein bars for over a year. She was now the first executive chef in charge of the kitchen. Under her direction, the kitchen ran smoothly, and everyone was happy to be at work.

Thoughts of buried treasure and dead bodies had been left behind in the hustle and bustle of the busy tourist season. It had never left Jay’s mind that there still could be a killer working in his kitchen. During his walk-throughs of the cafe, he was constantly looking for that gold watch or anything that seemed strange or out of place. Martha kept an eye on everyone in the kitchen. Nothing happened that she didn’t know about or hear about.

Jay was in his office opening the café mail. Angie was curled up on her bed next to the desk. An envelope with a return address of Cottonwood Assisted Living Facility caught his eye. He pulled it out of the pile and opened it. Several letters inside the facility letter fell out.

A short note from the director of Cottonwood explained that Mr. Peterson had died. The enclosed letters were to be mailed directly to Jay and not given to his children. He told one of the nurses on his floor that he was ready to go be with Bea, his long-time love. Knowing his dog had a good home, he didn’t have to worry about her anymore either. He was free to meet Bea on the other side. He passed in his sleep that night.

Jay opened the letter from George first. The handwriting was barely legible.

Dear Mr. Hallett,

If you are reading this I have moved on. I am with my sweet Bea and we are happy.

Several days after your visit, I received a letter in the mail from Bea’s attorney. She had written me a letter to be delivered upon her death. After all these years, I finally was given the answer to why she would not marry me. She was already married to someone else. Many years before we met, her father had promised her to another man, Redmond Jules. He was a man of wealth and reputation. They married, even though Bea had told her father she didn’t love him, and she loved someone else. Bea’s family had strong Amish roots and women did as they were told.

Over the next three years Bea had two children, Emily and Redmond. It was later discovered the children were not her husbands, but were fathered by the man she loved and had been seeing secretly while she had been married. The children were taken away and sent to an orphanage. Bea was beaten to within an inch of her life.

Not knowing where her


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