Dark Memories by Sandra Owens & D. Falls

Dark Memories by Sandra Owens & D. Falls

Author:Sandra Owens & D. Falls [Owens, Sandra & Falls, D.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780999786499
Published: 2019-03-25T18:30:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Harry was a few steps behind Zach and Kali, and her heart melted at the sight of the little girl’s hand in her father’s big one as they walked toward the Dark Falls Police Department. At the door Kali stopped and looked back. She held out her hand, and panic surged through Harry. From only the few hours she’d spent with Kali this morning, she already liked Zach’s daughter too much. And she didn’t want the trust she saw in Kali’s eyes. She’d failed Abbie. What if she failed Kali?

Arresting the perverts who preyed on the innocent was her contribution to finding justice for children like Abbie and Kali. She would do everything in her power to protect the powerless, but the role of confidant and healer belonged to others.

Because she couldn’t ignore the small hand reaching for her, Harry took it.

“I’m scared.”

She smiled down at Kali. “Remember, you’re a big girl and very brave. You can do this. Your daddy and I will stay with you.”

“I wish Ollie could have come with me.”

“I know, sweetie, but he’ll be waiting for you when you get home.” The dog had become her security blanket, and the tears she’d shed this morning when told she couldn’t bring him had Harry almost crying with her. Zach, too. She’d seen him blinking his eyes as he turned away.

The idea to bribe Kali with a girl fort had been because of Abbie. Building a fort with blankets was something she and Abbie used to do when they were little. After Abbie had returned home, she’d started building them again and disappearing inside. Harry thought a blanket fort offered her sister two things. She felt safer in them, and she could hide from her family, avoiding their worried looks and questions.

When they reached the third floor and the elevator door opened, Eve was there, waiting for them. She smiled. “Good morning, Kali. I don’t know if you remember me from last night, but my name is Eve.”

“I saw you,” Kali said. “Do you work here?”

“I do. We’re going in this room over here.” She led them into the meeting room. “Would you like something to drink? Water or a soda? Or maybe a hot chocolate?”

“Can I have a hot chocolate?”

Eve glanced at Zach. “I should have asked first. Is that okay?”


Harry walked over to the counter. “Coffee, Zach?”


She made the hot chocolate and coffees, then carried them to the table. Zach was seated next to Kali with Eve across from them. Harry took the seat on the other side of Kali, hoping that sitting between her and Zach would help Kali feel safe.

“We need to ask you some questions, Kali,” Eve said.

“I know. Daddy and Delaney explained that I have to tell the police what happened to me.” Zach put his arm around her shoulder and smiled down at her, getting a smile back. “Delaney said I can do this because I’m brave.”

“You’re the bravest person I know, Baby Girl.”

Kali sat up straighter. “I told you, I’m not a baby.


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