Burning Red (The Red Legacies Book 1) by Trinity Slain

Burning Red (The Red Legacies Book 1) by Trinity Slain

Author:Trinity Slain [Slain, Trinity]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Published: 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 23


Fucking Eddie. The creepy bastard had me backed into a corner, literally. The last thing I wanted was for him to put his hands on me; that thought had me literally shaking. I was freaking out and needed to get away. Every fiber in my body responded to him with revulsion. If I dodged toward the windows at the front of the shop, I might be able to make it out the door using the clothes racks as barriers. And if I could make it outside, maybe they’d follow me and the others could get out of here.

I reached behind my back with my right hand, gripping the butt of the pistol. My dad and Frank had had Jax and me doing small training drills, close quarters combat drills and obstacle courses with firearms included, from a young age. I’d always thought it was for fun, until now. Still, the thought of actually hurting someone made my stomach clench. I wouldn’t kill anyone, but it would buy me some time if I shot one or two of those assholes flanking Eddie.

A shot rang out as I was about to spring forward, and the thump of a body hit the floor. I froze. Cory started yelling and my heart dropped in my stomach.

“Frank,” left my lips on a whisper. I tried to lean around Eddie to see. My eyes landed on a pair of boots, Frank’s boots. I could clearly see the detail in the worn soles as his toes pointed upward.

“No,” I gasped. I darted left to get to Frank, and Eddie popped up in my way. “Get out of my way,” I growled, as I jerked my hand forward, leveling the barrel of the gun in Eddie’s face. He smiled, and quick as lightning sidestepped left, swatting my arm, knocking the gun to the floor. The sharp smack made my hand sting, and I pulled it against my chest. Frank’s gasping breaths registered in my ears over the sound of my own heartbeat. “If anything happens to him, I will kill you.” I growled, venom lining my voice as it dropped an octave.

“That old bastard had it coming. Boys! Kill that fucking lab rat, and remember, one hair harmed on my little Sweets’ head, you’ll join him.” Eddie grinned.

Rage burned through my veins and my vision began to haze over in a darker shade of red than it already was. The Gregoris and their goons were literally destroying my family. Piece by piece, they were taking everything from me. Something inside of me snapped. Heat ripped through my veins and a darkness within me rose.

Time both slowed and sharpened at the same time. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the other two guards advancing. The one to the right of Eddie had angled his body slightly, as if he could coral me toward the center of the room. The one on the left kept taking glances behind me toward Garron. His barrel turned toward him and the guard to the right made the mistake of taking his eyes off of me to watch the movement.


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